Parent Support Group


The Learning Disabilities Association of Sudbury in partnership with Dr. Todd Cunningham, C.Psych., Clinical and School Psychologist, University of Toronto, is pleased to announce the launch of our We Are Not Alone program. This is a monthly evening program for a limited number of parents across the North to be connected through a University of Toronto Vidyo Internet connection to get information, share best practices and support each other.

Many families of a child with a learning disability find their journey to be a lonely one. Connecting with other families, agencies and professionals can be a challenge and it can be an even bigger challenge to those living in Northern Ontario communities. This project is designed to support parents by connecting them with others on the same journey.


The 1st of four sessions was held on January 20th, 2016 from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. Participants of the session walked away with new ideas that can be used to support their child with a learning disability.


The next three sessions will take place on February 17th, April 20th and May 18th, 2016. There is still time to join! Participants should be parents of recently identified students (preferably grades 4 through 7) with a learning disability. The remaining sessions will take place via video conferencing at common meeting places in communities across the North.


If you are interested in joining, please contact Mary-Liz Warwick, LDAS Regional Business Development Coordinator, at