The Learning Disabilities Association of Sudbury will be hosting its Seventh Annual Fundraising Awards Dinner in April 2023, in a virtual format. We will be honouring seven outstanding Sudburians who have greatly contributed to the learning disabilities community. If you wish to nominate an individual for one of our seven awards, please fill out this form and email it by March 13, 2023, to
☐ The Ron Lessard Outstanding Parent Award – The Outstanding Parent Award recognizes a parent of a child who has been identified with a learning disability. The recipient of this award is a steady, reliable, and attentive presence in their child’s life. They always seek knowledge that may help their child’s success. The recipient will be proof that showing a child unconditional love and support is at the core of being a great parent.
☐ LDAS Outstanding Educator Award (Rainbow District School Board) – The LDAS Outstanding Educator Award recognizes an exceptional teacher who consistently supports, encourages, and advocates for the success of students with learning disabilities within the RDSB. This teacher has gone above and beyond to ensure that students with learning disabilities are successful.
☐ LDAS Outstanding Educator Award (Sudbury Catholic District School Board) – The LDAS Outstanding Educator Award recognizes an exceptional teacher who consistently supports, encourages, and advocates for the success of students with learning disabilities within the SCDSB. This teacher has gone above and beyond to ensure that students with learning disabilities are successful.
☐ LDAS Outstanding Student Award – The LDAS Outstanding Student Award recognizes a student who has been successful despite having been identified with a learning disability (LD). The recipient has used their strengths and developed strategies to overcome the challenges of an LD. This student is a mentor to many within the LD community and beyond.
☐ LDAS Outstanding Leadership Award – The LDAS Outstanding Leadership Award recognizes an individual focused on providing support to students with learning disabilities and their families. This recipient has shown strong leadership and guidance to disability service providers in our community.
☐ LDAS Corporate Contribution Award – The LDAS Corporate Contribution Award recognizes a corporation or organization that has greatly contributed to the LD community. The contributions of generous organizations in our community help build sustainability and are essential for the continuation of programs and services across northeastern Ontario.
☐ LDAS Outstanding Volunteer Award -The LDAS Outstanding Volunteer Award recognizes a volunteer for providing committed and dedicated service to the LD community. The engagement of volunteers ensures a more accessible world for our students with learning disabilities.