Information and Resources

Information and Resources

Parent Teacher Relationships
“Students, parents, and educators all play important roles in the planning and implementation of a student’s special education program. Recognizing everyone’s contributions and setting observable, measureable, and realistic expectations for student achievement will lead to a positive school climate, the best possible education for the student, and minimal conflict.”

The Hallmarks of a positive school climate

  • Everyone is treated with respect
  • The school is a caring and responsive environment
  • Educators encourage and maintain regular interaction between school and families
  • The school culture develops a sense of community and caring relationships to provide all students with
  • greater opportunities to achieve success
  • Parents are involved in school activities
  • Everyone feels safe and secure
  • There is a strong focus on prevention and early intervention in conflicts
  • Everyone is invited to contribute ideas and offer feedback
  • The successes of both staff and students are celebrated
  • Learning disruptions are minimized
  • Cross cultural communication is valued
  • Etc.

For more information go to Shared Solutions


  1. You are your child’s best and most consistent advocate. Always remember that!
  2. You have valuable information about your child – share it. Don’t assume or keep it a secret!
  3. Put it in writing and keep a copy.
  4. Keep records.
  5. Try to solve problems at the lowest level but never hesitate to appeal to a higher level if necessary.
  6. Seek out information when necessary.
  7. Take time to digest information before making a decision.
  8. Incorporate your agenda into theirs.
  9. Be organized and prepared. Know the process.
  10. Allow yourself to be less than perfect.
  11. Do not become a martyr.
  12. Maintain a sense of humour. Have fun with your child!
  13. Remember to tell people when they do a good job.
  14. Encourage your child to make decisions because one day he or she will have to do so on his/her own behalf.

Self Advocacy
Self-advocacy refers to an individual’s ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate, or assert his or her own interests, desires, needs, and rights.

How to be a successful self advocate:

  1. Self Awareness- Know your learning style.
  2. Learn and use strategies. Be organized and prepared.
  3. Communication- Use problem solving techniques.
  4. Stay in Control- Try to help others understand your views.
  5. Surround yourself with winners.
  6. Allow yourself to be less than perfect
  7. Thank people for their time.
  8. Take responsibility for success.

Steps to Self-Advocacy

  1. Introduction: greeting, name, and reference to the class they are taking
  2. Disclosure: statement of disability, presented in functional terms
  3. Solution: previous accommodations used, benefits, and desire to use similar accommodations in this class
  4. Resources: explanation of sources for accommodations & what student will do to implement them
  5. Agreement: question as to the acceptability of accommodations and arrangements & statement of affirmation
  6. Summary: restatement of accommodations, what the student and teacher will be responsible for
  7. Closure: general positive statement and appreciation

Making Education Accessible

DID YOU KNOW: January 2014 is the deadline to make education accessible – especially online courses.

To help with anyone who needs to create accessible documents in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, I created these videos. Please feel free to share them.

MS Word

I created a video to help instructors to make MS Word documents accessible: (on YouTube)

Here’s another version with the captions below it – I couldn’t do that in YouTube: (

MS Excel

Here are 2 videos – one in YouTube and one in Screencast showing how to make an Excel document accessible.



MS PowerPoint

Finally, 2 videos to help with PowerPoint documents.

