
General Feedback

Community Outreach Presentations 

“The LDAS student support programs offer interactive presentations that provide important information to our students and educators while keeping them engaged.  The information provided helps to increase the awareness of how our students learn differently and process information differently. These presentations also help dispel some of the fears of having to learn differently, reminding our students to focus on their capabilities and to advocate for themselves when difficulties arise. We all learn differently and thus differentiated instruction is beneficial to student success. We look forward to more of these presentations from the LDAS in the future.”

Resource Facilitator  

“Thank you sincerely for your time yesterday and for the resources. I know that the family will be very grateful.  These resources are wonderful.  I so appreciate you sending these forward.  It was a genuine pleasure connecting with you.”  Child and Community Resources, Regional Family Service Coordinator

“You have no idea what gift you gave me today. You have given me power at the most needed time. You also gave me hope when I barely had any left.  I’ve been going through so much lately and can’t seem to succeed at much. You not only gave me tools that apply to my children but for me and my current struggles.”

ADHD Parent Education Program 

“I enjoyed each session, the presenter was well informed and prepared for each session.”, Parent 

“Clear directions, great follow up, great material.”, Parent 

“Very clear and informative direction on how to implement specific strategies”, Parent 

Assistive Technology Program 

“You were very thorough, I will certainly be using this information to guide my students use of the program.”, SCDSB Educator

“Well planned out presentation and I feel confident to start using Read&Write.”, SCDSB Educator